Sunday 17 September 2017

Another productive week in 1G!

This week, we have begun the countdown to our Harvest assembly which will be on Wednesday 4th October. In preparation the children have been making some Autumn themed posters to display and learning some Harvest songs. The children will also have a small speaking part which I have asked them to practice at home.
In History this week, as an opening to our topic 'The Gunpowder Plot', the children began considering the past and had to try and sort some objects into old and new. They had good ideas and began to grasp the tricky concept that humans haven't always had technology such as mobile phones, Tv's, computers and cameras and that these are relatively new objects in the world compared to the 1600's.
They have also been practicing their counting and adding using 100 squares, number lines and cubes to support them.
Some children had a chance to show off their phonic skills by making words.
Another lovely week in 1G! 👍🏻😁

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