Friday, 25 May 2018

superstars of the week 17/05/18 and 24/05/18

This superstar was chosen for trying her best and working harder in lessons to complete her work to a better standard.

This superstar was chosen for some great descriptive story writing and making a huge effort to improve his handwriting and presentation.

Well done to both of them!

Friday, 18 May 2018

Royal Wedding celebrations!

Today we have been talking about the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. We learned a little about about what to expect at the wedding tomorrow, who might be there and how people around our country might be celebrating along with them. We also discussed some of the members of the Royal family and how Harry is related to them.
 I hope everybody enjoys their day, however you choose to celebrate it!

Superstar of the week 10/05/18

This week's superstar was chosen for improved presentation and neatness of his work. He is really trying his best to impress!

What have we been up to lately in 1G?

During our work in Geography where we have been touring around the continents, we read an African story called Handa's surprise. In order to good encourage description, we tasted the fruits in the story and described them using words like sour, juicy, sweet, bitter, fresh, creamy, round etc.

In Maths we have been sorting and identifying coins and notes. We are really good at this now. Maybe at home, you could challenge your child to pay for items at the shops by selecting the correct change?

In ICT we have been instructing Beebots around maps using our postional and directional language. We have even designed some of our own maps with pictures on that we had to navigate the Beebots around.

In literacy we have been studying Julia Donaldson stories. We have found out that lots of her stories use rhyme and repetition which makes them easier to remember. We have been re-enacting some of her stories using drama and we wrote some questions we would like to ask some of the characters.
Who is your favourite Julia Donaldson character?

Friday, 4 May 2018

Suoerstar of the week 03/05/18

This superstar was chosen for improved reading and phonics and also due to an increase in confidence, she is able work more independently in class. Keep it up!

Grandparents visit to talk about old toys 27/04/18

On Friday afternoon we were very lucky to have some grandparents visit year 1 to share with the children their memories of their childhood toys and they even brought some in to show the children.

As part of our lesson discussions the children came up with some good questions to ask the grandparents such as:

  • What is it made from?
  • How much did it cost?
  • How did children play with them?
  • Was it safe?
  • Where was it from?

Here are some pictures of the outdoor toys we explored.


Hoop and stick

Skipping ropes

Cup and balls

French Skipping

'Walle' (throwing balls against a wall)

Electronic train set

Tiny Tears Doll

Roller skates

French skipping (elastic rope)

Cat's cradle

Clapping games

Back in class, we looked at some even older toys from the Victorian era.

We concluded that many toys from the past were wooden, home-made, unlikely to be electronic and were not designed as safe as toys today. We also noticed that there were more outdoor and playground games as it was safer to play outside with less traffic.

Impact: We understand that toys have changed over time and that there are some similarities and differences between the toys that our grandparents played with and those toys we enjoy today.