What a busy start we've had to 2018! With lots of new topics beginning in most subjects, the children have been learning lots of new skills and absorbing fresh information.
The children are now beginning to understand that History is a subject which involves the past. They have been sorting items into past and present and are recognising different ways in which we find out about the past. Historical sources such as Samuel Pepys buried diary which told us many things but especially details about the Great Fire of London.
Here is a link if you and the children would like to find out more about Samuel Pepys and his diary.
Here the children were exploring examples of some of the objects which were found buried in London and were linked to the time of the Great Fire. They had to think like historians, asking relevant questions about them and using the clues to try and answer them on post its.
In Maths we have focused on understanding place value (tens and ones). We used the 'base 10' equipment to represent and make 2-digit numbers.
We have also been revisiting our addition skills using ten frames to help us to count larger totals. The idea is, when we count the total, we don't need to start counting from 1, we can count in tens for every full ten frame we make. This will speed up our counting and further consolidate our place value knowledge.
In RE, we are thinking about the ways the bible tells Christians that Jesus was a good role model and friend. To begin this topic, we have been identifying what makes a good friend and have told our friends which friendship qualities they have by designing friendship clouds for each other.
Everybody has one of these so ask your child what their friend said about them.
Over the last two weeks, the class earned 40 minutes of discovery time.
As we have been learning about traditional tales in Literacy, we decided to hold puppet shows using characters from a variety of traditional tales. The children worked in small teams to retell these stories and some groups were able to perform them to the rest of the class at the end.
This term in Science, the children are exploring materials. They have been identifying a range of materials and some of their properties and are able to recognise that a range of objects can be made out of the same material.
We went on a material hunt around the school building and found lots of examples.
Challenge: Which materials can you spot in your house and what have they been used for? (object)