Thursday, 26 January 2017

Superstar of the week

Our superstar is a super sensible pupil who listens and is always doing the right thing at the right time. He has lots of friends as he knows how to play nicely and is a good role model for others. Well done 👍🏻 

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Zoo trip

We had a fabulous time visiting Blackpool Zoo in year 1 this week and all the staff were very proud of how well the children behaved and coped with such a long walk for little legs!  I would like as many children as possible to comment below something that they learnt or enjoyed during their visit. Remember not to use your name but chose an emoji to add so I can identify you back in class.    Here are a few pictures of the visit - mostly taken by the children who were practising their photography skills 😊

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Superstar of the week 🌟

Our Superstar was chosen for trying hard and persevering which has led to her increased confidence in her maths work. This young lady is also becoming more resilient and does not get upset as easily as she used. Good girl 👍🏻😊

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Superstar of the week 🌟

This week our superstar was chosen for being kind and helpful and for an increased enthusiasm for school where she is now giving 100% in her work! Fantastic! 😀

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Superstar of the week

The superstar was chosen for being a kind and helpful friend and listening to advice about how to improve her spelling and writing. 🌟👍🏻😊

New Reading System

Year 1 are changing the way we change books in school. As we want children to read not only for decoding words but also for understanding, we will now change books once a week on a Tuesday but give them 2 books for the week. This may seem like less but we want to encourage the re-reading of the same book with a focus on understanding content and answering different types of questions about the texts. 
Parents and teachers all have the same goal, to improve your child's reading, therefore your support at home is paramount in helping us to achieve this goal. To help you help us, your child has been given a pack of resources to use with you at home - we hope you find it useful. We have also included some phonics resources such as flash cards which can be cut up and shown to the children regularly for extra practice. 
Please keep the folders of resources at home but just ensure your child keeps their reading books and diaries in their school bags everyday.
Once more we thank you for your support, please don't hesitate to pop in if you have any questions regarding this.

New Years Resolutions - What's yours?

This week we have been discussing our new year resolutions and how we can make changes for the better in 2017. My New Years resolution is to try and make our blog more interactive by asking questions that parents and children can answer or comment on. Just remember the rule - don't put your name. Instead put an emoji that I can identify you with back in class when we share the comments.   Comment below what your New Years resolution is - parents you can join in too!